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Standard Bernedoodles

Saylor & Sgt Pepper

tri merle bernedoodle north carolina
medoum bernedoodle.png

Saylor is a lovable and beautiful girl, she weighs in at approx 70 pounds. Sgt Pepper is a bit smaller weighing in around 45 pounds. Their puppies should mature to about 55-65 pounds. I do have the chance to spend more time with Sgt Pepper, his family enjoys traveling and I enjoy watching him while they travel. He is just the best! He is so incredibly calm and polite, he just melts my heart. Saylor is equally as sweet and her family says she lights up their world. Both Saylor & Sgt Pepper have a high percentage of Bernese Mtn Dog in them, so we expect the puppies from this litter to be gentle, affectionate and playful, much like the traits of the Bernese Mtn Dog.

We expect Tri Merle, Traditional Tris. Merle Phantoms and Traditional Phantoms from this pairing.

Saylor & Peppers last litter were absolutely the best <3


Price $2,800

Fall/Winter 2024 

Puppies expected 

approximately November 14, 2024, go home approx January 10th 2025





1- breeders pick

2-Donham family

3-Anderson family

4- Fields family

5- Mareco family

6- Walston family

7- Dennis family

8- Humphreys family

9-Konitzer family



If you are interested in joining this waitlist, please complete the steps on our 'How to Purchase a Puppy' page ($300 deposit required to be added to waitlist with balance due at go home)


Some of Saylor & Peppers last litter - PREFECTION

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